The energy supplier’s guide to socially conscious debt management

Supporting you and your most vulnerable customers through the energy crisis and beyond
The people of the UK, and in fact the world, are facing once in a lifetime challenges. While the pandemic caused an economic rebound that destabilised energy markets, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia earlier this year has pushed the market into a crisis. Oil prices are now the highest they’ve been since 2008, causing a host of global disruption.
It was predicted in August 2022 that more than three quarters of the population will be in fuel poverty by January 2023. Families, pensioners and those who live in the coldest areas of the UK are going to be most vulnerable, but that’s not to say other demographics aren’t going to struggle greatly too.
Now, energy companies must revolutionise the way that they work with their customers. The energy supplier to customer relationship has not always been smooth sailing. There are many challenges that come with working with people, accommodating their complex and unique needs and operating in a way that benefits both business and individual.
Customers are not going to be able to use and enjoy services like they used to. There’s going to be larger defaults on portfolios as a result. Energy suppliers need to be able to deal with these complex problems in a profound way. Now is the time for energy companies, instead of succumbing to these challenges, to find the opportunities. They need to build back stronger and more successful than ever before, establishing sustainable and healthy relationships with customers.
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